Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The (much belated) Finale

After several requests/reminders, I have finally gotten around to wrapping up this blog. I have been back in Georgia for a few weeks now, and after being back for a while, I can now truly reflect on my time in New York.

First, I should start by saying that every thing that happened to me this summer and the summer before have molded me into the person I am today. The girl sitting here writing this post is very different from the girl that sat in my aunt's apartment composing the first blog post. I have now experienced and learned so much more about life. Every thing from the emotional breakdowns to laughing so hard I cried  helped me know a little more about myself.

I met some of the most incredible people while in the city. People I will never forget. I moved in with 4 strangers and by the time I left, I was saying goodbye to 4 amazing friends. They helped me when I was homesick and helped me recover from a breakdown over a boy they'd never even met. They were there every day to talk about my day at work. They were there to watch all my favorite trashy TV shows with me before bed or just sit in a living room with nothing but a couch entertaining ourselves. I wouldn't have wanted to experience the city any other way. Our little dorm became a home, and my roommates became a family.

My first day in New York, I was terrified. There I was, thrown into a city knowing no one. It was a scary and lonely feeling, but I knew I was tough enough to get through it. And I did. I survived an internship on Fashion Avenue. I survived the many nights I spent in the bars of Manhattan. I survived the distance from all the friends who's sides I rarely leave. And through all this, I left with a potential future job, an empty wallet, and a handful of new friends who's sides I didn't want to leave.

Before signing out, I have a few people to thank for this life-altering summer:

John and Betty, my godparents. My godparents are two people who have loved me unconditionally my whole life. They are willing to give me anything and do anything for me, and for this I am forever grateful. It is amazing that two people could love me so much without even being a blood relative. Who else would print out all my blog posts or keep a framed picture of me in every room of their house? Definitely not anyone with the last name Welker.

My grandparents. Just like my godparents, both of my grandparents are always in full support of any dream I wish to pursue. They are always there to give me a phone call just to let me know they are thinking about me. Even with all the grandchildren they have, they manage to make us each feel so loved and special.

My Boys. Both my brothers have played an influential role in my life, and I'm not sure either of them really knows it. Andy always inspires me creatively and shows me the beauty of just being who you are. Matt is so determined and hard headed, and I admire his strength every day. Brothers are so much better than sisters. They made me stronger by picking on me, made sure I always had someone to argue with, and would kick any guy's ass for me. That's true brother/sister love.

My mom and dad. They are the two most incredible people I know with the most incredible relationship I've ever witnessed. Their love for one another and those around them is contagious, and I hope to become just a fraction of who they are. The provided me with the finances and encouragement to follow my dreams, and even when I try to get in my own way they won't allow me to. I guess it pays off to be a daddy's girl and momma's only daughter :)

Well, now that I have done my "thank yous" it is time to end "GRITS in the City" and get back to my life as a student in Athens, GA. I hope to be back in the big city soon, but in the mean time I will be in the good ol' south eating biscuits, talking slow, and enjoying my last year of college!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

GA Peach in the Big Apple

6 weeks in and I'm still breaking down the stereotypes of the South.

What is it with these people? They think just because I am from Georgia that I can't feel the heat. I assure you, 90 degree weather is hot no matter where you are from. You would think the sweat mustache on my upper lip would have given them the hint.

Also, everyone giggles every time I say y'all! What is so funny about a contraction that makes more sense, is less sexist, and is easier to say than "you guys." Keep your giggles to yourself, New York.

I was in the elevator at work yesterday when the man who operates the elevator asked me where I was from. I responded "Atlanta" and immediately he and the other man in the elevator were arguing over wether I was a Georgia Peach or a Southern Belle. I thought Welkers liked to argue, but the citizens of New York really give us a run for our money. I must say though, I was intrigued by the argument, and in the end I informed them that I was both a belle and a peach as well as flattered by their nonsense.

This reminds me of when I was in London. On my first day, I told the women I worked with that I was from Georgia and in response they asked, "Do you live on a farm?!" I let them down by saying, "No, I'm from Atlanta. It's a pretty big city." Then, of course, they backfired with, "Oh, so you know Usher?!" Needless to say, I was speechless. After letting them down again by telling them I don't know Usher or any other rapper/singer personally, I realized I should have just played along. Yea, I'm from the ATL and Usher and I hang out all the time. Occasionally I hang out with Lil Jon too.

On the subject of the South, I found a place that sells biscuits. Yes. I repeat: I found a place that sells biscuits. Of course, it wasn't that good, but beggers can't be choosers, right? While walking with some friends we stumbled upon a new little breakfast place down the block from our apartment. I was scanning the menu trying to decide what to get, considering I don't really like breakfast food, and there it was. Just the word on the menu made me squeal! Who cares if it wasn't that good. It will hold me over until I can get back to Chick fil A.

My style is evolving to city chic, but don't worry, I still throw on my cowboy boots when wearing my all black outfits. When I do this, I always see people's eyes staring at my feet while I strut down the sidewalk, and I love every minute of it. Georgia girl is getting used to NY, but NY is trying just as hard to get used to little miss Georgia.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Not So Avid Blogger..

Hello friends and family..

So it's been a while since my last blog post. I really should get better at this. I constantly think about blogging and what I might say next...but I never actually do it. I always write on sticky notes at work, mostly just because I love office supplies, but also to remember the random thoughts that bounce around my head. Today I opened my purse and noticed I had about twenty post its accumulating in my bag. I guess that means it's time for an update.

The only problem is, and those of you who actually know me can probably attest to this, all the post its say the most random things, and none of them go together enough to write an entire blog post about. Oops. I can't help the randomness that ensues in my brain.

One post it just said "Be spontaneous" and the one stuck to it said "O'Mommy." I guess that means I should write about being spontaneous while talking about my grandmother? I'm not really sure. I will try and take better notes, or just actually update this as I think.

But in the mean time, I'll just fill you in on what I've been up to.

Honestly, I've been really lazy. I've enjoyed it though. I think I deserved a lazy week/semi-lazy weekend. A full time job isn't easy. I don't know how actual adults do it. Damn. I'm getting close to being an actual adult. Ew. I don't really like the thought of that. Is it really so bad to want to stay in college forever? I guess I should just accept it. I, Emily Welker, am 21 years old. I work and live in New York City and will only be a student for another year and a half. There. I said it. Now someone pass me a Natty Light.

I've been thinking a lot about my post-graduation plans lately. I had a really great and encouraging conversation with my supervisor on Friday that really made me feel like I could work and live here. I mean, after being here, it definitely would be hard to find something that compares. It really is a city made of dreams. And after speaking with my boss, I feel that one day my dreams could become a reality.

I had brunch on Sunday with my cousin who lives here, and she told me her entire story. She said it isn't easy, but you survive. You make a life for yourself. Everyone who moves here is homesick and struggles at first, but eventually you just never want to leave. New Yorkers love New York so much. Whatever city I do end up in, I just hope I share that same love.

I want to be in love with my city. I want to be in love with my job. I want to be in love with my apartment. And who knows, maybe one day I will be in actual love.  But in the meantime, I am young and have a vast future ahead of me. I'm in no rush. I'm not going to worry about it until I have to. Until then, I will just focus on blogging more often and making sense of the dozens of sticky notes in my purse.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cause Baby You're A Firework

As we all know, this weekend was Fourth of July weekend. I was so happy to have a day off work and a three day weekend. It was definitely nice. We didn't really make any plans for the 4th ahead of time, so we just decided we would go down by the river and see the New York City fireworks that we had heard so much about.

We arrived early, because we wanted to guarantee ourselves a spot. We got a spot all right. On the pavement in the middle of the blocked off road. I guess we were naive to think that we would be able to go down on one of the piers or sit in the grassy areas by the river. Nope. All of that space was reserved for private parties and events. I can't tell you how many times we heard, "You don't have a ticket? Turn around." So we ended up on the road with all the other measly commoners.

Everything about NYC has to be made to seem so exclusive. Even just a simple viewing of the fireworks. Instead, we were left feeling like the kids who weren't invited to the party, but could hear all the fun from the outside. Live performers, open bars, dancing. All within an ear shot. It was a little bit depressing...

But that's okay. We didn't let it ruin our night. We packed a spread of all kinds of snacks and appetizers and picnicked until the show. Our spot on the pavement was right in front of a group of NY Police Officers. We made friends with them and loved eaves dropping on their conversations. Funny guys. They acted exactly like I thought they would and all had a thick New York accent. There was even a threat scare, when a french woman came up to the officers and said there was an unattended black bag under the tree near by. The officers went to check it out, and luckily, it was just a false alarm. It was just a bag someone had set down by accident. Afterwards, the police returned to their spot and we could hear them laughing and telling jokes about the situation. I guess in order to live with situations like that day in a day out you have to be able to make light of them every now and then.

The fireworks were AMAZING. There are six barges on the river, and they all set off the fireworks in sync with one another. It lit up over a mile of New York sky. It was so beautiful.

I love the fourth of July. It's one of the few days of the year where everyone matches each other in stripes, red, white, and blue, and every one in America just has a good time celebrating the one thing we all have in common:our freedom.

Here's a little song we all know and love.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One Step Closer To Chanel No.5

My whole life I have always told my parents that when I grow up and get a real job, (which I always imagined being at a fabulous fashion magazine) I will wear red lipstick all the time and my fragrance will be Chanel No. 5.

There is just something about seeing a woman in red lipstick that is sexy, cool and sophisticated. It says to those around you "I make my own money, but I'll spend yours too." I love it. I have just never felt grown up enough to wear it. I almost wonder if I ever will. I haven't touched a tube of bright red lipstick since I was a little girl playing in my mom's makeup drawer. Even back then I was particular about my color. I would make sure it was absolutely perfect, using a Q-tip to make sure I didn't "color out of the lines."

And of course we all know the iconic Chanel No. 5. It smells like the woman I want to be. It is classic and yet fresh and new. It isn't even my favorite fragrance, but it holds a special place in my heart.

I will never feel fully adult until the day I walk out of my house smelling like Chanel with popping red lips headed to the office. Most little girls had dreams of ponies and being a ballerina. I wanted to wear perfume and lipstick in a fashion office.

Today, I felt closer to my dream than ever before.

It is the midpoint of my internship, and along with that comes midpoint evaluations. This meant getting my supervisor to fill out a form about me, discuss it with me, and then fax it to my professor.

My boss walked to my desk and told me to come on back to discuss my evaluation. I sat down across from her, nervous smile and all. She informed me that I am a wonderful worker and then she used the term "very employable." She proceeded to tell me she knows I will be successful in the future and that my southern charm is sweet and personable.

Just this simple evaluation meant so much to me. I really respect my supervisor, so her opinion is very important to me. She is only 25 years old and already worked her way towards the top of the ladder of the company. She is young, spunky, and focused. All are traits that I hope to have. After being told I had southern charm and will be successful in the industry, I couldn't help but think "should I go buy some lipstick and put Chanel on my Christmas list?"

It's a good feeling when someone tells you you're doing a good job. It's an even better feeling when you respect the person telling you. I am slowly taking steps towards my dream. First came college, then living in London, then New York, and then finally, the feeling of accomplishment in the city of New York.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One Of "My Boys" Came To Visit

I was lucky enough to be born the youngest of three children and the only girl. This automatically makes me daddy's little girl and momma's only girl. But it wasn't only the special attention from my parents that made it so great. I have two amazing older brothers. When I was younger I used to rule my house and boss them around. I also would call them "my boys."

Last weekend was so much fun because my oldest brother, Andy, came to visit me. My boss was kind enough to give me the day off on Friday, so I got to spend a full three days with him. We are 7 years apart in age, so we have never really gotten to hang out that much just the two of us. I knew we were going to have fun, but I didn't fully know what to expect.

On Friday we went up to Times Square and waited in line to get 40% off tickets to see the musical "Catch Me If You Can." Then we had all day to waste until the show, so we did all the touristy things I never would have done unless I had someone visiting. (Us "almost New Yorkers"usually avoid the  Times Square madness at all costs) We walked all through Times Square, went in all the huge famous stores, went through Rockafeller Center, saw the shops on 5th Ave, went in FAO Schwartz, etc. I had a lot of fun. Then that night we went to the theater to see the musical, and it was really good! I would recommend it to anyone. It was definitely just like the movie!

Saturday we woke up reallyyyy early to stand in line for tickets again. We got half off tickets to see Zarkana, the newest Cirque du Soleil. It was AMAZING! I had never seen one before and to top it all off this show was in Radio City. I've always heard I should see a show there, and now I can finally say I have.  That evening we went to the Frying Pan with all my friends. The Frying Pan is a dock and old boats on the water that have been converted into a restaurant/bar. It is one of the most fun places I have been in the city, and I cant wait to go back. Andy and I split two pitchers of sangria that were delicious. 

Everyone LOVED Andy! It was so funny, because we have never really gone out together before! All of my friends thought he was so much fun and really liked talking to him. After a long day and even longer night we were both exhausted! 

I'm so glad he was able to come visit. It's weird now being all grown up and being friends with my siblings. I have gotten to be so close with both of them. We have always been close, but now it is a more mature relationship. Even just the other night, my other brother, Matt, texted me that he was so sorry he couldn't visit (because he got a new job!! yay Matt!) but he couldn't wait for me to get back and live in the same state for the first time in over 7 years. 

I love my family so much and am such a lucky girl. I'm a daddy's girl, a momma's girl, and I've got my boys. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away..And Take The Smell With You

Today the shopping gods struck down on me. After work I decided to do a little shopping before heading home. Just after leaving the second store heading towards the third, I was caught in a torrential downpour. I may exaggerate a lot, but this is no exaggeration. It was raining like the world was going to end. My cute suede flats were quickly drenched, causing blisters. The shopping bags I was already carrying were getting wet, and my entire back was drenched. I was forced to end my spending early. Oh well, at least my dad will be happy.

After the rain ended and the sun tried to come back out, it started to smell like garbage. Then, I looked down to assess the damage of my once cream colored flats. They had black gunk all over them.

When it rains in June at home, it smells like summer. When it rained today, it smelled like a bar at 3 am. When it rains at home, it washes away all the grime. When it rains in NYC, it turns the grime into slush.

This got me thinking about the little things I miss about the south. So here is a little list I compiled on my 3 block walk from the subway to my room.

1. My bed. In regards to my last post, I miss having my very own bed. If there was a way for my parents to mail me my bed, memory foam topper and all, I would be forever grateful. I'm serious; I would do just about anything.

2. Chick Fil A. You should have seen this coming. I miss waking up at 10:15 and racing to Chick Fil A for a biscuit before even taking the time to change out of my pajamas. I miss eating Chick Fil A at least 3 times a week with all my friends. I miss Tim, the manager, remembering I like 3 Chick Fil A sauces and not just 2.

3. Cheese Dip. I'm starting to notice a trend in this list. Sleep and food. But seriously, where is the cheese  dip in this town? My southern friends and I have been on the hunt for a mexican restaurant that actually has normal, white, cheese dip. So far, nothing. All the mexican restaurants are either Tex Mex or only have guacamole. I swear guac is the new trend here. It is everywhere! Guacamole must be the new sushi. It's the new hip food. But I don't want to be hip. I want cheese dip. I can't wait to eat nothing but La Parilla and Chick fil A upon my arrival in Georgia.

4. Manners. In all fairness, I knew this was part of the package when I decided to come to New York. But seriously, what is so difficult about saying "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bulldoze over you." Just the other day I bumped into someone and out of habit I quickly apologized (even though it wasn't my fault). The man looked at me like I was a mental person. He looked at me as if he has never heard the words before. Maybe he hadn't. I like to just  pretend he didn't speak English. Then, only minutes after that incident, I bumped into a woman on the street. This time it was my fault. Again, I quickly apologized and said "excuse me." She looked up at me with the biggest smile I think I have ever seen. She was so grateful that I actually acknowledged our incident. Now I understand why my parents were always so intent on us growing up learning the importance of politeness.

5. Southern Accents. I don't have much to say about this one, other than the fact that I think a southern accent is beautiful. There is just something about the New York accent that doesn't sound right to my ears. I would rather hear "y'all" over "yous guys" any day.

6. Fresh Air. This is one of those things I have taken advantage of my entire life. I miss stepping outside and taking a deep breath before heading on my way. If I took a deep breath every time I walked outside here, I would inhale very little fresh air and much more pollution.

7.  Having Money. Pretty self explanatory. This city makes it pretty difficult to maintain a full wallet. Between the food and drinks, I will probably be bankrupt by the time my 8 weeks are up. But I must say, it has been worth every penny.

8. Colors. I have touched on this matter before. It seems like everyone here wears only neutral colors, but then I walk in the stores they are filled with brightly colored garments. I am very confused by this. I would just like to see people wear a little more color to brighten up the streets of SoHo a bit.

9. My Car. I actually enjoy the subway because I love the people watching, but every now and then I just wish I could hop in my little Escape and scoot on over to wherever it is I want to go. I also do some of my best thinking while riding around in the car. I love to just turn up my music and drive. Public transportation is great, but for some reason they won't let me play my iPod over the speakers on the train.

10. My People. Above all else, I miss my friends and family. I have the most incredible people in my life, and I think about them all every single day.

This post may seem like one big complaint. It's not. I absolutely LOVE New York and LOVE living here. I have met amazing people, seen beautiful sights, and learned so much. This is just a post dedicated to a few of the things I love about where I am from.

Now let's just hope the rain will stay away for a while. Or at least wait until I'm finished shopping next time.