Monday, June 13, 2011

Very Close Strangers

Week one complete.

This weekend was great because I finally got to get out and see the city. Saturday we woke up and walked the Brooklyn Bridge. Yes, I walked the bridge that I called the Golden Gate while riding in a cab last time I was in NYC. We got pizza at Grimaldi's Pizza, which is extremely famous. So famous in fact, that we had to wait in a line that coiled all the way down the block for over an hour just to get a table. I'd say it was worth it. After pizza and walking I was so exhausted and two of my roommates and I just stayed in for the night with a 6 pack of beer. Classy in the city...

Sunday I went to a BBQ festival. A little taste of the south. Then we explored the city a little bit. The public library is so beautiful. I love all the old architecture here. It's breathtaking. A city like this has so much history, and it is crazy to think about all the people who have walked the very same streets that I walk every day. For example, while in the library all I could think about was the Sex and the City wedding and how I was standing where Carrie found out Big wasn't coming. Okay, maybe not the best example, but you get the point.

My roommates and I have gotten so close. I can't even believe that exactly one week ago we were complete strangers. They already know so much about me, and I know so much about them. All 4 of us are very different, but we compliment each other well. I am so lucky that I got the chance to meet these great girls that will hopefully be my friends for a long time. We are constantly telling stories about our lives at home and being goofy all the time.  They think the Welker's are a funny family and can't wait to meet my dad already. It's starting to feel like our little apartment style dorm is home. Who would have thought that girls from Georgia, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Chicago would all be such fast friends. I guess they aren't strangers after all. Strange maybe, but not strangers.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are having so much fun in NYC. How cool that you found a BBQ festival... home tastes good, kinda like food for the soul. You are making friends that you will keep for life. One of the women that I lived with during my internship became a bridesmaid in my wedding. Looking forward to reading more about the fun you are having.
